I am working out of Martys book on Servlets, and there is an example of
using the init block to get some parameters from the web.xml file.
When I searched for web.xml to find it, I found one in about each directory.
I do not think that is right. Where should the web.xml file live?

Also, Is there a way to find out (print out possibly) the parameters so I
can see what is being read? I am asking this, because I have added the
following snippet to my web.xml file, but the code below does NOT read those
params. I am confused by this, and could use some assistance.


// here is part of my web.xml file The file I am running and compiles
properly is in a package called cwp.ShowMessage. I thought all looks good,
but maybe a second set of eyes may help.


          <param-value>Alert FM</param-value>

          <param-value>Alert FM</param-value>

// part of my class to go get the web.xml parameters message and repeats.
public class ShowMessage extends HttpServlet {

     private String message;
     private String defaultMessage= "No Messages Today";
     private int repeats = 1;
     public void init() throws ServletException {
         ServletConfig config = getServletConfig();
         message = config.getInitParameter("message");
         if (message == null) {
             message= defaultMessage;
         try {
             String repeatString = config.getInitParameter("repeats");
             repeats = Integer.parseInt(repeatString);
         } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {

Scott Purcell

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