At 01:34 PM 12/14/01 +0000, you wrote:
>I had posted this question some time back and am posting just in case some 
>one may have just missed it.
>I am trying to get a JNDI connection to a datasource. For this I defined 
>my datasource exactly as it is described in the Tomcat docs - define a 
>resource in WEB.XML and in SERVER.XML
>When I try to connect, my context keeps returning me a NULL DataSource. I 
>read thru all of the mails in the list, I could not get any definite pointers.
>Can someone who has solved the problem, please point me in the right 
>Thankyou for the time,

Your problem inevitably has to be that your code is referencing something 
that is not being found.  That leaves two potential problems: (1) you don't 
have your data source from your service provider in the right place; (2) 
you don't have a reference as required to where you have the 
datasource.  If you have the data source in the right place, there should 
be a default reference, so (1) is probably it.  Where do you have the data 
source sitting?

-- micael

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