
I try to retrieve the client certificate in a servlet
With tomcat 3, i use this instrcuction
And it's work good but not with Tomcat 4.

I've test with the script printenv and the SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFCATE return
the certificate.

Is there something more to do with tomcat 4 ?

I use  Apache 1.3.22, Openssl 0.9.6.b, modssl 2.8.5 .3.22, Tomcat 4.0.1

Any help would be welcome!

Philippe Chataigner

Ps : sorry for my english.


Philippe Chataigner
Spécialiste Internet/Intranet

Développement d'applications, Formation, Audit , Conseil

74 rue Marcellin Duval
29200 Brest
Tél : 02 98 47 81 97     Portable 06 64 12 81 97    Fax : 02 98 47 81 97

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