I am starting to work with Tomcat and I get a strange behaviour of Tomcat when it is
run from under Apache's mod_webapp. I have this in httpd.conf:

<IfModule mod_webapp.c>
    WebAppConnection cexam     warp  localhost:8008
    WebAppConnection ccoco     warp  localhost:8008
    WebAppConnection cjets     warp  localhost:8008    
    WebAppDeploy     examples  cexam /examples/
    WebAppDeploy     cocoon    ccoco /cocoon/
    WebAppDeploy     jetspeed  cjets /jportal/    
    WebAppInfo                       /webapp-info

When I start Tomcat and go to http://locahost/jportal or http://localhost/cocoon/
it tells me that the the application is not yet deployed. When I run Tomcat
stand alone, it deployes cocoon.war and jetspeed.war just fine. I looked into the
logs and found that it can not find "./../webapps/jetspeed" for localhost but
I thought it should unzip war files automatically.

Can anyone, please, explain what is really happening there.

Thanks much,


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