Well, but what about programmatic login, i. e. something like

  Context ctx = new InitialContext();
  UserManager um = ( UserManager )ctx.lookup( "java:comp/UserManager" );
  um.login( login, password );

Does Tomcat have an API similar to this? The thing is I have a login form on
my first page, where a user should login to access protected functions (they
are not displayed by default, and become available only after a user has
logged in).

-----Original Message-----
From: Ing. Gabriel Gajdos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 3:24 PM
Subject: RE: Programmatic login with Tomcat 4.0.1

If you use BASIC authentication, user/password are contained in the
"Authorization" HTTP 1.1 Header (in Base64 encoded form).
Never tried, but should work when supplying correct data into your HTTP
request (including headers).

| How do I programmatically login into TC 4.0.1?
| Sincirely,
| Sergei Batiuk.

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