
This is a closely related question, so thought I'd use this thread.

I'm the co-moderator of a Java Servlets forum, and a question came up
recently that I have never heard of before.  It seems a user has found that
request.getSession() takes a very long time to return if he is using
Netscape browser version 4.x, as opposed to using IE. It has baffled me so
far, has anyone ever run across this situation? ps: we're talking minutes,
not just 5 seconds.


There is the link, and I thank anyone for contributing either on this
mailing list, or in the forum.

> From: "Katsuyuki Michishita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 12:00 PM
> Subject: getSession take too mush time.
> > request.getSession() take 5 second to execute the code.
> > one of person answer me following:
> > "is it tomcat? then it's because sessionids are computed by
> > First
> > number takes about 5 seconds, thats normal"
> >
> > So this is happen only first time of execution?
> > I do not have to worry this a day later?
> >
> > thank you
> >
> > -Kats
> >

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