Hi Peter,

Have you tried building mod_webapp from source?

I'm using Tomcat 4.0.1 + Apache 1.3.22 + Cocoon 2.0 final.

I downloaded "webapp-module-1.0.1-tc401-src.tar.gz" from the jakarta site and 
built from source then copied mod_webapp.so into my apache/libexec directory 
and added *only* the following line to the bottom of my httpd.conf:
Include conf/warp.conf

I also copied the updated warp.jar (built from the java source in  
webapp-module-1.0.1-tc401-src.tar.gz) into my
tomcat/server/lib directory (you need to make sure that your warp.jar matches 
your mod_webapp.so version)

my warp.conf file (in my apache/conf dir) contains:

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/mod_webapp.so
AddModule mod_webapp.c
Port 80
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp
WebAppDeploy cocoon warpConnection /cocoon
AddHandler default-handler .gif .jpeg

I did not have to change my tomcat/conf/server.xml file at all to enable 

Hope this helps,

Best Regards,

Chris Newland

On Wednesday 16 January 2002 12:07, you wrote:
> Forgive me that I repost my message from several days ago, then
> posted with the subject
>       "WARP / mod_webapp not working --- help needed!"
> but the urgency of the problem is increasing, now.
> Therefore I would kindly ask (anyone of) you, to have a look at
> the log files at the end of this message?
> Maybe that gives you a hint, why my configuration ain't working.
> I suppose that only the log file "apache_log" is really relevant.
> However, I'm unable to guess myself from the log file what's wrong.
> BTW: If I specify http://<MyHost>.de/example I get a "Not found"
> error, while with http://<MyHost>.de/examples/ the result is a
> blank page. ?!?!?
> In standalone mode, ie when I specify port 8080, everythings
> working.
> So thanks again, for taking the time.
>       Peter Bär

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