I have a similar problem.  The only way I could get this working was to
specify the bean explicitly:
        <jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="beans.Form" />

I could only get the page directive import attribute to function properly
when importing standard java classes...

Sorry I can't be much more help,

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 9:13 AM
Subject: tomcat doesn' t find beans

I have tomcat 4.0.1 installed on a windows NT machine. And in some of my jsp
sites I use beans, but tomcat doesn' t find them. For example in a jsp-page
I have the following code: <%@page import = "beans.Form" %> . The
code(Form.class) for the Form-Bean is under the directory
web-inf/classes/beans/Form.class. But tomcat tells me that he can't fine
Class beans.Form in import. I had the same problem under tomcat 3.2.3 too.
Please can anybody help me? Much Thanks in advance. Tommi

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