
I have been trying to make Apache 1.3 and Tomcat 4.0 work together but I was
not sure what the different pieces are that I need to make them work
together. I have listed a couple of doubts below, please take the time to
answer them.

1. What is mod_webwap. Do I need this in my case. I have downloaded and
copied the .dll into winnt/system32 and into %APACHE_HOME%/modules and the
.so in to %APACHE_HOME%/modules

2. What is AJP connector and what is the relation with mod_jk. Do I need
this in my case, according to the docs the AJP connector is required to
connect to web servers, but the docs dont say exactly what is to be done (or
maybe I have not been able to understand)

One of the places that I saw
http://www.galatea.com/flashguides/apache-tomcat-4-win32.xml and
http://dcb.sun.com/practices/howtos/tomcat_apache.jsp gave an easy guide
that does not seem to work in my case. When I type http://localhost/examples
the Apache.exe process runs at 99% and never comes back.

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.


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