Hi all.

Sorry for bringing this old topic back to the surface...
But I really need help here.

I have my Tomcat4 up and running as Stand-Alone but it doesn't want to deploy my .WAR 
All of the "Examles" application do work just fine...

With Tomcat3.3 all works like a charm :)

>From what I understand reading the manuals AND sufing the web for several days
I must include my web.xml (descriptor) file into the WEB-INF dir in the app.
Well, i'm doing so and i'm also adding my context in the server.xml wich looks like 

<!-- My XXX Context -->
<Context path="/XXX" docBase="XXX" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>

My web.xml (desccriptor) looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"  
    <!-- General description of the application -->
      bla bla

      <param-value>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</param-value>
            bla bla

      <session-timeout>10</session-timeout>    <!-- 10 minutes -->

Must I have a context in server.xml AND a descriptor?
When I do have both I get this error message in the logfile:

Error initializing resources: Document base 
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1/webapps/XXX does not exist or is not a readable 

When I remove the context entry from the server.xml it all works fine !!!

So my friends, wich is it... both or one of them?

Many thanx.
Cheers Pablo

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