One solution may be to upgrade to a later JDK and tomcat. Not sure if that
will help but I know that there is a 3.2.4 release of tomcat and earlier
versions may have issues with NT.

-----Original Message-----
From: Manish Bhatnagar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 4:18 PM
To: Tomcat
Subject: Excessive high usage of memory by Tomcat on NT

Hello all:
We are facing the problem of excessive memory usage by our
servlets (that call JNI functions). The memory usage seems
to touch 50+ MB in 2000 Server but it drops down to 30 MB
soon. But, this does not happen in NT. The memory keeps on
increasing and there is a point in time when Tomcat occupies
*all* the available memory.
We are taking care of *garbage collecting* the objects
frequently(by calling Runtime.gc()). Is there any other way
by which we can have some kind of control over the usage of
Do we have to install a patch for NT (if something like this
is available)?

NT Server:
PIII 500 MHz, 256MB RAM, 40GB HDD

2000 Server:
PIII 700 MHz, 128MB RAM, 20GB HDD

Version 3.2.1

Sun's JDK 1.3

Any suggestions, pointers are appreciated.

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