Did you download the correct JNDI package (JNDI 1.2.1
Reference Implementation)? Is it being picked up from
the correct location in build.properties ({tomcat
installation directory}/build.properties). Check the
build.properties file and make sure that it is being
refence properly. Are there any error msgs displayed
during the build?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> When I try 'ant test' (after getting past 'ant
> dist'), it fails
> eventually with:
>     test-dir-context:
>        [echo] Running FileDirContext tests
>        [java] .F.......
>        [java] Time: 0.164
>        [java] There was 1 failure:
>        [java] 1)
> WEB-INF attribute 'resourcetype' is expected
>        [java]     at
>        [java]     at
>        [java]
>        [java] FAILURES!!!
>        [java] Tests run: 8,  Failures: 1,  Errors: 0
>        [java]
> Java returned: -1
>     Total time: 4 seconds
> Any suggestions as to what to do to fix this would
> be most welcome.
> KJ
> P.S.  Please Cc me in your response.
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