I have a single servlet based application. This application is accessed
througha browser and travels over to a high performance database through a
RMI-IIOP connection. It is not the best application in terms of code tuning.
We are deploying this application on Tomcat 4.0.1, Apache 1.3, Suse Linux
7.0 on a PIII 800Mz machine with 800Mz RAM. We are not planning on adding
multiple instances of Tomcat/Apache for the time being (or we are not quite
sure that our machine might be able to sustain that many threads of either)

Based on this what is the maximum number or requests that I can expect to
obtain from my applications. Can I expect say 1000 (or maybe 5000 or more)
concurrent users. How many requests/sec can I expect while delivering
acceptible response on the browser.

The reason I have asked such an open-ended question is that you might have
deployed your production system on such a configuration and must have
achieved some bechmarks. Please take the time and give me an estimate.

Thanks in advance.


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