At 02:08 PM 1/27/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>as I saw in many mailing lists I am not the only one who had the following
>problem, so I post a solution here.
>After installing tomcat 4.01 all example JSPs in the provided applications
>work well. But when you try to run your own JSPs in your own applications
>you suddenly get this exception thrown:
>javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet jsp threw
>root cause
>Solution (at least in my case):
>I had an xml parser version in my /appname/WEB-INF/lib directory which was
>different from the xml parser located in {TOMCAT-ROOT}/common/lib. It seems
>that if there is an xml parser located in the app's WEB-INF/lib directory,
>then this parser is being used to compile the application's JSPs. And this
>leads eventually to the ClassCastException.
>The application, where this error occured was originally transferred from
>JRUN 3.1 where this behaviour does not occur. On a JRUN 3.1 server the xml
>parser in an application's WEB-INF/lib directory is NOT being used to
>compile the application's JSPs. However in tomcat 4.01 it is being USED. So
>watch out about multiple xml-parser versions!
>Maybe this helps some people.
>Michael Kastner

I had the same problem recently and due to a similar situation.  I
generated a .war file using my IDE's deploy tool, which then included the
parser classes being used during development.  Removing the package under
my Tomcat WEB-INF directory fixed the problem.  My problem was not with a
JSP however, so this issue isn't limited to XML parsing in JSPs. Not sure
what you mean about "this parser is being used to compile application's
JSPs" though. 


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