Take a look at:


Specifically, check out the forwardAll attribute.  Setting this to
false results in config files that most closely match those written
by Tomcat 3.2.x.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrik Höiem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 12:03 PM
> Subject: How do I configure Tomcat properly to not collide with other
> ISAP I apps (Tomcat 3.3a)?
> Hi,
> I have recently installed Tomcat 3.3a wich in some ways 
> differ from 3.2.3
> that we used before.
> The platform is W2K SP2.
> We have configured it so that it works to call it through the IIS.
> With Tomcat 3.2.3 we never experienced any collisions between 
> requests to
> the servlets handled by Tomcat and other requests handled by 
> an other app.
> This app also makes use of an ISAPI DLL on the same web site. 
> The situation
> is that tomcat is supposed to take care of all requests to
> http://IP_address/foo/servlet or http://IP_address/foo/jsp
> But when we tried out the new configuration with Tomcat 3.3a 
> we noticed that
> it snatched requests (mainly for pictures) from the other app...
> The tomcat is configured like this:
> apps-foo.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <webapps>
>       <!-- Setting special properties for /foo 
>          ( as an example of overriding the defaults )
>               -->
>       <Context path="/foo" docBase="webapps/foo" debug="0"
> reloadable="false" > 
>               <LogSetter name="foo_tc.log" path="logs/foo.log" />
>                       <LogSetter name="foo_servlet_log"
> path="logs/servlet_foo.log" servletLogger="true"/>
>       </Context>
> </webapps>
> uri-workermap.properties
> #
> # Simple worker configuration file
> #
> # Mount the servlet context to the ajp12 worker
> /servlet/*=ajp12
> # Mount the examples context to the ajp12 worker
> /examples/*=ajp12
> # Mount the foo context to the ajp12 worker
> /foo/jsp/*.jsp=ajp12
> /foo/servlet/*=ajp12
> # Advanced mount of the examples context
> # /examples/*.jsp=ajp12
> # /examples/servlet/*=ajp12
> And when we made the auto-generated files by <tt>tomcat start 
> jkconf<tt/>
> which you don't have to do in prior versions we noticed that the
> uri-workermap.properties under /auto looks like this:
> ###################################################################
> # Auto generated configuration. Dated: Wed Jan 30 15:16:16 CET 2002
> ###################################################################
> #
> # Default worker to be used through our mappings
> #
> default.worker=ajp13
> /admin=$(default.worker)
> /admin/*=$(default.worker)
> /examples=$(default.worker)
> /examples/*=$(default.worker)
> /foo=$(default.worker)
> /foo/*.jsp=$(default.worker)
> So we started to look at it and changed it to this:
> ###################################################################
> # Auto generated configuration. Dated: Wed Jan 30 15:16:16 CET 2002
> ###################################################################
> #
> # Default worker to be used through our mappings
> #
> default.worker=ajp13
> /admin=$(default.worker)
> /admin/*=$(default.worker)
> /examples=$(default.worker)
> /examples/*=$(default.worker)
> /foo/jsp=$(default.worker)
> /foo/jsp/*.jsp=$(default.worker)
> /foo/servlet=$(default.worker)
> /foo/servlet/*=$(default.worker)
> Then we got everything (as far as I know now) to work as 
> before (with Tomcat
> 3.2.3). But the question I'm asking is - it seems a little 
> awkward to edit
> an auto-generated file, can I do this in another way without 
> editing the
> auto-generated file?
> Cheers!
> --
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