Hi, as  I am Newbie in Tomcat,I have a big problem with Rewriting to tomCat from 
Please send me you suggestions if you can.
I have installed Apache(with mod_rewrite) + Tomcat4 with mod_webapp.
In httpd.conf my settings goes
{Let us suggest that our server Name is test.com}
Load webapp_module libexec/mod_webapp.so
Addmodule mod_webapp.c
<Virtual Host ....>
ServerName test.com
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp test.com:8008
WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* /Jump

and I want that every request coming to test.com like http://test.com/blahblahblah to 
be redirected to Java servlet script /Jump,but when I write URL like as:
Apache says HTTP Error 404
when I access like :
it works!!!!
How can I handle it ?


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