Thank you very much for your reply, Paul.
I managed to get it working once I put the classes folder in my
classpath. But I realize this is a workaround as I think it may limit
my ability to run any other applications that are within contexts
other than the "classwork" context I have set up.
Here is a rundown of my directory structure:
my application is called "bookstore". it is in the context directory
called classwork saved directly within %tomcat_home%\webapps (I am
running Tomcat 4.0.1 on win2k and using TextPad as a text editor along
with the JSDK1.3.2 - I will eventually integrate Apache and JBoss once
I get a sufficient handle on the vagaries of Tomcat 4.0).
The directory is as such:
webapps\classwork\WEB-INF\lib  //is currently empty as I have not
jarred any of my app yet.
(bookstore, bookstore.utils, bookstore.javabeans, bookstore.action are
all packages of classes and are broken down according to their purpose
within my understanding of the MVC architecture).
My classpath now looks like this:
(any typos within this path are a result of typing it here and aren't
in my actual classpath).
My servlet.jar file has a new context entry for classwork that is the
<!-- classwork context -->
<Context path="/classwork" docBase="classwork" debug="0"
reloadable="true" />

This set up was found through a combination of trial and error, the
Tomcat 4.0 documentation, Goodwill's book on Tomcat 4.0 (worth the
money, IMHO) and one little tip in Marty Hall's book More Servlets and
JavaServer Pages (he made an invaluable comment about a common
beginner's mistake: forgetting to put the dev environment in the
classpath and since I used my actual deployment directory as my dev
environment, I placed that directory in the classpath though I
understand this habit is frowned upon). My bookstore app now works.
I posted this here for all the other newbies to Tomcat 4.0 who may be
able to use this info.
I am currently teaching a class on Servlets and JavaServer Pages and
this application is what I am using as a sample app for the students
to see and try for themselves the various concepts we cover in class,
hence the name "classwork" for the context.
We had opted to use Tomcat 4.0.1 because of its support for the latest
specs, its standard-setting architecture, its small size (important as
our puter hard drive space is at a premium) and the fact that it is
free, which is always a plus for an educational institution. It has
been an adventure to stay a step ahead of the students in figuring out
Tomcat's "rules" of play! But I have been quite happy with it, I must
Thanks again, Paul.
PS why does everyone always do a bookstore application for a sample
app??? that was rhetorical, btw.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pavel Brun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 9:10 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: RE: Catalina Beans - Class Path Problem

I am not sure if you are running this in "Windows" but if you go to
equivalent to starting this at the command line, type "startup debug"
in the
%CATALINA_HOME%\bin directory and see if your classes or jars are


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 8:29 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: RE: Catalina Beans - Class Path Problem

I am having the same problem only my clases ARE directly in the
folder. Also, my utility classes, which are neither servlets nor
Beans, are
also giving me the same problem. Please help!!! I have tried packaging
and then without packaging. I am not sure what to do now. I am not
using any
IDE nor am I using a deployment tool.

Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please see my comments below:

All your classes and/or beans should go into:

                ...../webapps/gateway/WEB-INF/classes, or

This should help you out. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Shoberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 8:12 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Catalina Beans - Class Path Problem

Short Version:

For some reason, I can not get my JSP pages to compile when loading a
bean ... It is not reading web-inf/classes.  Although, it is reading

Long Version:

A)    Installed tomcat, got it running, all of the example programs
B)    I am building an application called "Gateway" I created


        So I understand this to be creating a bean with id "Words"
from the
class "...../webapps/gateway/classes/gwclasses/words.class" in the
However, I am getting a compiler error saying

        C:\apache\Tomcat4\work\localhost\gateway\kw$ Class
gwclasses.words not found

Any thoughts ?


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