I've quickly read the howto and I'm not sure that I agree with everything! I
haven't defined a virtual host in httpd.conf and everything works fine. The
author also makes this curious statement:

<!-- Replace "localhost" with what your Apache 
        "ServerName" is set to -->
  <!-- #####  This line changed.  name=set to correct 
      host name. #####-->
   <Engine className=
           name="apache.nandgate.com" debug="0" 

I didn't think that it mattered what the "name" was set to. As I understand
it, the default server.xml file lacks a <host> inside the <engine> for the
Tomcat-Apache service - it should have a host. The "Replace "localhost" with
what your Apache "ServerName" is set to" refers to this, doesn't it? I.e.

Replace "localhost" with what your Apache "ServerName" is set to 
- <Engine className="org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpEngine"
name="Apache" defaultHost="whatever ServerName is set to in httpd.conf"
debug="0" appBase="webapps">

The howto has caused me to question my understanding rather than provide any
clarification! The author is right when he says that the documentation is
patchy and the TC-Apache integration process is more complex than it ought
to be.

Quote for the week:
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what
happens to him.
Aldous Huxley, Texts and Pretexts , (1932) p. 5

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Passey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 February 2002 12:25
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: TOMCAT 4.X - mod_jk

Hi again,

I have found my answer here

Thanks anyway.

Kevin Passey

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Passey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 February 2002 11:39
Subject: TOMCAT 4.X - mod_jk 


I am somewhat confused..

I have TOMCAT 4 running quite happily on my Linux (SuSE 7.3) server - no

I also have the apache 1.3 distribution with my 7.3 running - no problem.

What I want to do is run TOMCAT as an apache plugin so that Apache is
serving my static pages and TOMCAT is doing the cool stuff.

The question is - do I have to use TOMCAT 3.3 as I cannot see a mod_jk
version for 4.x - or have I missed something?


Kevin Passey

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