I have a serlvet that accepts a multipart form submission.

Inside the request is a file that is to be decoded and stored on the server.

My problem is that it doesn't work with binary (non-ascii) data but does work with 
ascii data.  I'm using JSPSmartUpload, which works fine on IIS, but with Netscape 
Suite Spot, it does not.  I'm using tomcat3.2.3

Is this a problem with Tomcat or Netscape Suite Spot?  Anyone got any ideas, 
suggestions, experience with this before?  Been working this issue for several days, 
searched the web, found nothing particularly useful.

I did find some bug reports searching the tomcat-dev list.  Apparently this was a bug, 
awhile back but is fixed now.  Does it still not work with Suite Spot?


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