Hello, I had a problem a few days ago with Tomcat 3.3a and loading classes 
that I have tracked down. I wanted to ask if my understanding of the 
classloader hirearchy is correct or if there are other people that have 
experienced similar behavior.

I was running Tomcat 3.3a as a service, and on the -Djava.class.path was 
tomcat.jar and one other directory that had a copy of one of my classes, 
we'll call it Base1.class.

Now, Base1.class was also in a jar that I had put in tomcat/lib/apps and 
was thus loaded by the apps classloader. The problem I was running into, 
was that I had another class in that same jar, loaded by the apps 
classloader, that extended from Base1.class. We'll call this class 

I expected SubClass1.class to load Base1.class from the apps classloader, 
since they were both in the same jar. What appeared to be happening, was 
that SubClass1.class was attempting to load Base1.class from the system 
classloader. Here, Base1.class got loaded (since there was a copy on 
-Djava.class.path) but since Base1.class needed to load other classes that 
were not on the system classloader, things failed out.

I know that a solution is to remove the copy of Base1.class from the 
-Djava.class.path location, but now I am curious as to if my understanding 
of the classloaders is incorrect.

Shouldn't the SubClass1.class look for any classes that it is dependent on 
in the same classloader first? In this case it would be the apps 
classloader which should also have loaded Base1.class.

Or, does the apps classloader not load Base1.class since it was already on 
the -Djava.class.path?

Better yet, is this a configuration issue that I have simply overlooked?

Finally, I noticed that if I ran from the tomcat batch file, and set the 
CLASSPATH environment variable to be the same as the -Djava.class.path 
parameter that I used, the behavior was different and I did not get the 
same problems as I did when running as a service.

Any information or ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance,


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