Now I'm going crazy. This can't be so hard. Please help... I can't figure
this out. I'm trying to share a bean between a jsp page and servlet.
Argghhhhhhhhh... Please.... I help on other lists... and donate time to
charity. I've been to Barnes and Noble and looked at a heap of texts. I've
done no less than 500 Google searches.

There are no errors, I just can't get this "<jsp:getProperty
name="myFormBean" property="userName" />" goddamned thing to display the
userName bean property if fb.validate() fails. Everything works. I've got
this begugger and can see the userName variable throughout the POST process.
Everything's cool until the rd.forward (request, response), but once the
forward takes place my jsp cannot again pick up the bean properties
eventhough I say <jsp:useBean id="myFormBean" class="beans.FormBean"
scope="session"/> I've tried every scope, and am using beans with straight
JSP no problem (same application).

Any ideas? Millions of Thanks

Here's the JSP page.
<jsp:useBean id="myFormBean" class="beans.FormBean" scope="session"/>
<form method="POST" action="controller">
<input type="text" name="userName">
<jsp:getProperty name="myFormBean" property="userName" />
<input type="hidden" name="event" value="FORM_TEST">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="next">

Here's the two relavant parts of the servlet.
public void process (ServletContext sc, HttpServletRequest request,
                      HttpServletResponse response)
                      throws IOException, ServletException {

        FormBean fb = new FormBean();

        if (fb.validate()) {
                URL = "index.jsp";
        } else {
                // go back
                URL = "signup1.jsp";
public void forward (HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
        ServletException {

        RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(URL);
        rd.forward (request, response);

Here's the bean
package beans;
public class FormBean implements {
        public String userName;
        public FormBean() {}
        public boolean validate() {
                boolean allOk=false;
                return allOk;

        public String getUserName() {
                //return this.userName; // doesn't work either
                return userName;
        public void setUserName(String uname) {
                this.userName = uname;

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