Hi Keith (response inline)

This is supplementary info to Remy's: I think we've both got different

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Ng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 2 March 2002 11:40
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: 2 instance of tomcat within 1 machine
> Which version of tomcat are u using?
> im using 4.0.2

I've recently got 5 instances running on one 'lil-ole workstation, used for
personal development work.  My goal was to have multiple instances that I
could mess around with, without destroying the "live" (documentation,
examples, etc) server.

> how did u configure? Must i have more then 1 copy of tomcat? 

No. I've installed tomcat (4.0.2) on my D: drive (should have said: Windows
2000 Pro, 2 hard-drives with multiple partitions - D: is apps, I: is
development) and the various instances on my I: drive:


Follow the instructions in running.txt for which directories to copy - I'm
at work just now (JRun ;-( ) but off-hand I think it's bin, conf, lib &
webapps.  Within /conf, you need to edit server.xml so the various ports
don't conflict.  Eg. if the CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml uses port 8080,
/server01/conf/server.xml could be 8081 for example.  There are three
locations in the server.xml which I edited - I don't have the file to hand
at the moment, but if you'd like a copy I can post it tonight/tomorrow.

Once you've created the directory heirarchy, and edited the server.xml
files, you should be able to start your new instances from the command
line/shell.  I'm lazy, so I just edited the catalina.bat files in
/server0x/bin/ to set CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME - again, if you'd like
a copy I'll post it tomorrow.

> I really dunno... pls help

Basically, most of the info is in running.txt from your Tomcat install.  I
found the only real gotcha was that I needed to renumber the ports.  Once
I'd got that sorted out the rest was plain sailing ;)

Best of luck, and if you're still stuck let me know and I'll post files.


John Niven
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