
Have been successfully writing small webapps for some time, but I have hit a
difficult issue and was wondering if anyone had any ideas

the scenario...

Page1 contains a link to a document.
when the link is clicked, Page2 appears which contains a large text document
stored is a text field in a DB.  This field can be anything from 100K to
several MB.

This is an acceptable size for our network.  However before showing the page
the JSP page runs through a routine to look for certain words and prefix
them with a link to the previous word, *and* postfix them with a link to the
next word.

There can be up to 100 of these words in a document.

The issue is this can take up to 200 seconds to complete.

The Idea...

I want to put this processing in a separate thread which is called when
Page1 appears.

This jsp page starts the processing.
Page2 then requests the data (possibly from a session variable) returned by
this thread and displays the data...

So for a thread newbie...

Is this possible, if so, how.



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