I've got some questions about load balancing with Tomcat 3.3a.

First of all, the Tomcat-Workers-How-To that comes with 3.3a says that the 
workers.properties file contains working entries for an Ajp12, Ajp13, and a load 
balancing worker. However, it also says that the tomcat workers to be used for load 
balancing should not appear in the worker.list property, but they do in the default 
workers.properties file. Should they or should they not be in that list? 

Also, if I want to load balance using a remote machine, what configuration changes 
need to be made to the tomcat config files on that remote machine? Is it as simple as 
changing the remote worker port to match the port on the host machine? For example, 

Computer host workers.properties excerpt:

worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers=ajp12, ajp13, test

Computer remote ( workers.properties excerpt

I'm really confused at this point. I tried this the other day and couldn't get the 
host machine to communicate with the remote machine. Can someone offer some insight?


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