On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Thomas Stiller wrote:

> Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 16:57:32 -0500
> From: Thomas Stiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Meaning of <url-pattern> /xxxx/*    ....  ???
> What does that (only wildcard-part interesting: "*" !!!) inside a servlet-mapping 
> <url-pattern> /xxxx/* </url-pattern>
> Does that mean search in this subdirectory tree
> or does it mean "search the name corresponding
> servlet" or what ?
> Thx for answeríng this beginner question
> Thomas

No, it means that your servlet will match the "/xxxx" part, and anything
else will be returned to use as "extra path info".

For example, assume you have the above mapping in a webapp mapped to
context path "/myapp".  Now, a URL like this:


will call your servlet, which can then get the following:

  request.getContextPath() will return "/myapp"
  request.getServletPath() will return "/xxxx"
  request.getPathInfo() will return "/foo/bar.html"

Using extra path info is a common way to pass parameters to a servlet as
part of the request URL itself.  In addition, it totally hides the fact
that there is no static resource named "/xxxx/foo/bar.html" in your app,
so the client has no way to know whether this response is being produced
dynamically or statically.

See the Servlet Specification for what everything in the web.xml file



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