> >     3.  Having the same context loaded multiple times.
> > This generally happens because the AutoContextLoader (or 
> > whatever its called) is still enabled and an explicit Context 
> > is also defined, making two contexts (and two instances of 
> > the servlets).
> Maybe.  I do have a context explicitly defined (I need to, so 
> I can create an authentication realm for the user interface 
> portion of the application).  I will look into how to not 
> automatically load contexts and see if that helps.

Well after reading
tomcat-docs/config/host.html#Automatic%20Application%20Deployment I am
discouraged.  It says that WARs are automatically unpacked (which you
*can* turn off using unpackWARs=false in the Host tag) and that contexts
are automatically generated for all contents of webapps.  It doesn't say
how to turn that feature off.

I guess I can deploy to somewhere besides webapps - that should do it,

I'll try that and let all know.

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