Hello all,

I tried a million ways of making Tomcat 4.0.3 work
with Unicode URL parameters, but nothing seems to
work. It always corrupts the parameters. Does anybody
know a workaround to make Unicode request parameters
work with Tomcat?

For instance, I changed the SnoopServlet example given
with Tomcat 4 to output the response in the unicode
with setContentType("text/html;charset=utf-8"). But
when I write unicode parameters in the URL text area
of Internet Explorer as parameters to SnoopServlet, it
always corrupts my parameters. Instead of printing
them a two-bye unicode characters, it prints every
unicode character as two one-byte garbage or otherwise
ASCII characters. I also tried making a URL request
using the URL class in JAVA SDK 1.4. That didn't work
as well. The URLEncode and URLDecode classes in the
SDK don't seem to do their job right also. Has anyone
been able to make use of these classes? Any
workarounds and bug reports will be greatly


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