----- Original Message -----
From: "Wagoner, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Urgent Re: Newbie: Servlet under Windows does not run

> Are you absolutely sure the problem is with CensusQuery and not a
> class?  It could be that Tomcat can't find another class that is
> by CensusQuery, so it cannot load CensusQuery
> Try stripping (or commenting) out all of the code except for a println
> This will show you if the servlet is actually being located or not.

Yes I stripped out everything else and it still won't run the servlet.  In
any event the log from Tomcat says that the cause is that it can't find that

----- Root Cause -----
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Census.CensusQuery

Would someone please tell me what the h**l I am doing wrong?

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