since you post to the Tomcat list, I guess you are a Tomcat user. Therefore
Netbeans or Forte (essentially the same program) would be a good choice as
they have an integrated Tomcat container. I prefer Netbeans for the cutting
edge stuff, some might like Forte for the extra tools (most of which are now
integrated into the main NB tree).

You can debug almost anything using JPDA, even remotely.

I haven't used Eclipse.

More info would be best requested from the IDE's respective mailing lists.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bing Zhang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 19 March 2002 4:31 PM
Subject: Free J2EE IDE: Which one?

I am trying to use a free IDE to do J2EE development, mainly servlet and
EJB. The development will be on Windows NT/2000. Deployment is on linux.
Three tools come to my mind: Forte Java Community Edition (I am supprised
that almost nobody mention this tool), Eclipse from IBM and NetBean.

I feel short time evaluation does not give me enough insight, though I have
downloaded both Forte and Eclopse. Hope anyone ever used the above tools in
real life give me some guidance. Any of the above tools let me debug servlet
or even EJB locally? How about remotely? Any other server I need to set up
beside the IDE to effectively do J2EE?


Bing Zhang

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