On March 19, 2002 07:26 pm, you wrote:

> Random thought -- have you replicated the package structure in your
> directory structure underneath WEB-INF/classes?


I ended up saying #$#@$@# on it, and installed Tomcat 4 for now.  However, I 
still need to get 3.2/3.3 working (neither work...both with the same set of 
problems).  Tomcat 4's another ball of wax; no binaries seem to exist for the 
Apache->Tomcat link.  I know this is all possible in Tomcat 3.x, because it's 
working just fine in Forte using the Tomcat module, which is Tomcat 3.2.

I'm guessing I need to configure something specifically for it, but I have no 
idea where to start.

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