On March 26, 2002 07:29 pm, Zhe wrote:

> Maybe it's silly, but I want get some help!
> In one of my jsp page I want to show a image dynamically, so I put an
> dynamical IMG tag in the HTML jsp is outputting. 
 But when the client
> request the page the image cann't be showen. And there is some error
> message :" 2002-03-26 17:40:00 - Ctx( /gongwen ): IOException in: R(
> /gongwen + /image/00000002-01.tif + null) Software caused connection abort:
> socket write error". When I change the daynamical IMG tag to
> src="/image/00000002-01.jpg" and put 00000002-01.jpg file into
> corresponding path, it works well. I don't know whether thetomcat cann't
> transfer the tif file.
> I am useing win2k + tomcat3.2.3 +jdk1.4

If it's any consolation, I've encountered this behaviour under Tomcat 3.2 
module for Forte v3, using JDK 1.4 under Linux w/libc2.2.3.  I've also 
experienced it under the Tomcat 3.2 module for Forte v3 with JDK 1.3.1_02 
under Windows 2000 w/sp2.

It seems to only happen on pages that employ large numbers of images (not 
necessarily large), and when using a frameset.  I've been able to reproduce 
it when browsing under Netscape 6.2.1 in Linux.  However, browing under 
Internet Explorer 5.0 SP2 under Windows 2000 SP2, I wasn't able to reproduce 
the behaviour; it only happened once.

The problem was an internal error in the HotSpot client VM under JDK 1.4.  I 
still haven't determined the cause of the error under JDK 1.3.1_02 under 
Windows, as I was unable to reproduce the error.

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