Thx Jake .. I upgraded to 1.4.0, i was able to setup Tomcat successfully ..

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 5 April 2002 3:50 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Problem in starting tomcat

Hmm.. my first thought is try upgrading the JDK and see if that fixes
it.  I don't know why it shouldn't work with 1.2.1, but, then again, that
is seriously old.  Try 1.3.1_02 or 1.4.0 (and put xerces-1.4.4.jar in
jdkdir/jre/lib/endorsed directory).

If this fixes, it, then you might want to report it as a bug that
Tomcat4.xx is incompatible with JDK1.2.1.  I doubt it will get much
attention, though, because that jdk is so dated.


At 03:14 PM 4/5/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>I get the following error when i try to startup tomcat
>  A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x)) error 'Relocation error: NULL
>relocation t arget' has occurred in :
>'org/apache/crimson/parser/Parser2.maybeComment (Z)Z': Interpreting method.
>Please report this error in detail to
> i Starting service
>Tomcat-Standalone Apache Tomcat/4.0 A nonfatal internal JIT (3.00.078(x))
>error 'Relocation error: NULL relocation t arget' has occurred in :
>'org/apache/crimson/parser/Parser2.maybeComment (Z)Z': Interpreting method.
>Please report this error in detail to
> i
>  -----------------------------------------------
>Before showing this error, it displays: Using CATALINA_BASE:
>C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0 Using CATALINA_HOME: C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0 Using
>CLASSPATH: C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\jdk1.2.1\lib\too
>ls.jar Using JAVA_HOME: C:\jdk1.2.1
>I did everything as per the running.txt Please

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