I recently upgraded to tomcat 4.0.1.  I am using
apache 1.3.14 and previously had no problems
integrating with tomcat.  The problem I am having is
when I use only the directory name and try to hit my
website I get an error cant find server.  But if I
include the index.html or index.jsp it works fine.  Or
if there is no index page in the directory I get the
directory list.

What seems to happen when I use just the directory
name is I get redirected back to the web server with
the port of the server tacked on. i.e.

I go to the following url
everything is fine.
I go to
and I get redirected to:

2 things to note apache is running on port 83 and
tomcat on 8083.  Because on my firewall NAT you will
not find a web server on 83.

Does anyone have any idea why this is redirect is
happening?  I'm I missing some thing in the http.conf
setup or in the server.xml to cause this.  Any help is

Excerpt from http.conf

    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /x/tomcat-8083/webapps
    ServerName www.lookylookyhere.com
    ErrorLog logs/lookylookyhere.com-error_log
    CustomLog logs/lookylookyhere.com-access_log
    WebAppConnection warpConnection warp
    WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /

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