I have also experienced 1. below.  Does anyone know of there is any resolution?  We 
are temporarily running servlets which use this through Tomcat directly.

Cynthia Jeness

"Clearwater, Pete" wrote:

> Hi Nick.
> I had similar problems, and have found out a couple of things:
> 1.  I could not get my datasources to be found when using the WARP connector.  Same 
>thing as you - null DataSource.  No idea what the problem was here.
> 2.  Initially I could not get it to work at all, but found that if I used the 
>parameter "url" instead of "driverName" then everything was OK (except for 1. above).
> cheers.  Isn't debugging this JNDI stuff fun?  The log messages sure give lots of 
>useful information....
> pete.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nickJohnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 8:07 PM
> Subject: DataSource from JNDI always null
> I thought I had this problem fixed, but it has come up again.
> Basically I'm just trying to grab a JDBC resource for a postgresql
> database.  My code looks something like this:
>     public static Connection getConnection(char mode)
>       throws NamingException, SQLException {
>         Context ctx = null;
>         ctx = new InitialContext();
>         Context envCtx = (Context) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env");
>         String dbname = "jdbc/" + (mode == 'w'? "dbrw" : "dbro");
>         DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup(dbname);
>         Connection c = ds.getConnection();
>         return c;
>     }
> This code is called as a static method on a utility class from inside a
> bean used by a JSP document.
> Of course what happens is I get a null pointer exception trying to call
> getConnection on ds.  Here's the relevent information from server.xml.
> I'll paste in only the entry for "dbrw".  dbro is identical except it uses
> a different username.  Both have the same problem.  I have verified that I
> can log in both using the command line tool and a quick and dirty jdbc
> test program.
>              <Resource name="jdbc/dbrw" auth="Container"
>                        type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
>              <ResourceParams name="jdbc/dbrw">
>                 <parameter>
>                   <name>user</name>
>                   <value>www</value>
>                 </parameter>
>                 <parameter>
>                   <name>password</name>
>                   <value>xxxxxxxx</value>
>                 </parameter>
>                 <parameter>
>                   <name>driverClassName</name>
>                   <value>org.postgresql.Driver</value>
>                 </parameter>
>                 <parameter>
>                   <name>driverName</name>
>                   <value>jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/main/value>
>                 </parameter>
>              </ResourceParams>
> And in web.xml (I've decided to use the server's web.xml rather than the
> context's):
>   <resource-ref>
>     <description>
>        Resource reference to a java.sql.Connection factory
>     </description>
>     <res-ref-name>jdbc/dbrw</res-ref-name>
>     <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
>     <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>   </resource-ref>
> postgresql.jar and the jdbc extensions are in common/lib.  As far as I can
> tell from snooping traffic across lo0, no connection attempt is ever made,
> although I do see plenty of traffic from my little jdbc test program.
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, especially any information on
> debugging problems with JNDI, getting diagnostic information out of it,
> etc.  A working postgresql config would be even better. My instinct about
> this is that I have JNDI set up incorrectly, or the jdbc drivers are not
> getting found or initialized properly, but having exhausted all my ideas,
> I thought I'd ask for a pointer :)
> Many thanks,
>    Nick
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