Dear All,
          1. I'm install Tomcat 4.0 + JDK 1.4. I can run some jsp file
but XML have some error..
(.tld and jsp file, it can run in old version ...Tomcat 3.2.3 & JDK 1.3.2)
          2. I can use javac to complie .java ot .class when I call HelloWorld.calss 
from IE 6.0, 
it open window File Download ...for save this file to not work..
Please would you hep me for solve this problem..
Best Regards,
Kroeksak Kongman
(This can run in old version ...Tomcat 3.2.3 & JDK 1.3.2)
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: XML parsing error on file /WEB-INF/jsp/taglib.tld: 
(line 2, col 7): The XML declaration may only appear at the very beginning of the 
at org.apache.jasper.parser.ParserUtils.parseXMLDocument(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl.parseTLD(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl.(

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