How can I  configure Tomcat to respond with my own custom Web pages or other
HTTP resources when particular HTTP errors or Java exceptions occur, or Jsp
Compilation errors instead of responding with the standard tomcat error
response pages.

I know I have to use directive like the following in web.xml
 <error-code> 404</error-code>
 <location>/webdev/a.jsp </location>
 <exception-type> java.lang.Throwbale</exception-type>
 <location>/webdev/error.html </location>
What I am not getting is the information like for 404 pages the name of
resource that is not available. I used request.getRequestURI() in a.jsp and
it returned me /webdev/a.jsp instead of  the bogus url I typed.
I want all the information like standard tomcat error response pages but
customize the look .


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