I am developing an application service provider site. different people can register 
there, and they will get their own homepage and data (sensitive data like credit card 
info etc). currently i have created different folders for each user and gave it names 
(DNS) like user1.mysite.com, user2.mysite.com etc. from that folders index page users 
will reach www.mysite.com:8080/login.jsp. (/var/tomcat4/web-apps/ROOT/login.jsp)
now i want to customize the code for each user, so i am planning to use multiple 
instances of tomcat. what are the disadvantages of using multiple instances of tomcat? 
later if i want to move one user to another server will there be any problem (because 
i don't want to change the url for that user, ie that should be user1.mysite.com 
and I need SSL also, how multiple instance of tomcat will effect SSl enabling of my 
thanx in advance
Robert AndreaGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : 

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