I am John Regan.

IE 5.0
Tomcat 4.0
Struts 1.0

When a user requests our index page we write a pagehit sequence # to the
client's cookie through the following code:
        //no cookie exits
               else {
                Cookie pcookie = new Cookie("P",r.getPagehitcode());
                pcookie.setMaxAge(60*60*24*365);//1 year
which works fine, I look in my cookies directory and find a file named
jbr@jsp[1].txt(where does it grab this name from?) which contains the
correct value for "P".
The user clicks on a link on the homepage, this where things start to go
very wrong.  In the action class I loop through cookie values in the
following manner:

                Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
                Cookie cookie;
               Cookie schangecookie = null;
               if (cookies != null) {
                    for(int i=0; i<cookies.length; i++) {
                        cookie = cookies[i];
                        servlet.log("cookie" + cookie.getName() + " " +
                        if (cookie.getName().equals("P")) {
                            schangecookie = (Cookie)cookie.clone();

The log shows the only cookie in the request is the following:

JSESSIONID A37259C0F90335C6B3B177A1C2679413

The "P" value which I see in my cookie is not in the request!  Not to
mention, I don't where JSESSIONID is stored!

Can someone clue me in to what might be happening?

Any help is much appreciated!

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