Hi Everybody,

INTRO: I don't seem to be the only one having problems configuring Apache
2.0.35 and Tomcat 4.0.3. So I am going to try to summarize every tips and
problems found so far and I'd like to suggest we all treat this topic as a
single topic instead of concurrently having three or four topics about the
same thing.

OBJECTIVE: integrating Tomcat 4.0.3 in Apache 2.0.35 under Windows 2000/XP
in order to serve JSP and Servlet requests. Nothing fancy, no special
features expected (ie. load balancing), at least during the first stage of
the configuration.

SUGGESTION: use of mod_webapp module, since mod_jk1 module seems not to be
developed and tested under the previously mentioned settings and since
mod_jk2 seems under heavy development and unfortunately not expected soon.
BUT other working and suitable suggestion to achieve the objective are more
than welcome...

QUESTION: as anyone succeeded in the specified task? using mod_webapp module
or other solution.

CURRENT PROBLEM: there is actually a installation guide line showing how to
achieve the specified task. However it seems outdated since several users
had Apache refusing to load mod_webapp module even having followed the
installation step. To summarize here are the steps we all fully double
checked to make sure no mistakes were done:

1) Install Apache 2.0.35 (as a Win service), make sure it's running. DONE
2) Install Tomcat 4.0.3 (as a Win service), make sure it's running. DONE
3) Copy mod_webapp.so to apache/modules/ directory. DONE double checked
4a) Copy libapr.dll to apache/modules/ directory. DONE double checked
(if 4b) done maybe not required)
4b) Copy libapr.dll to to windows/system32/ directory. DONE double checked
(if 4a) maybe not required)
5) Add "LoadModule webapp_module modules/mod_webapp.so" in Apache httpd.conf
DONE double checked
6) Test Apache httpd using Apache.exe -t in the console. FAILED: Cannot load
APACHE_PATH/modules/mod_webapp.so into server: The specified module could
not be found.

QUESTIONS: are we missing a step? Or is there some bug there making the
whole undertaking impossible? Would it be a Tomcat, an Apache, or a web_app

POTENTIALLY LINKED PROBLEM: some of us also tried to integrate PHP4.2 under
the same environment. The same problem has been reported whenever
"LoadModule php4_module PHP_PATH/sapi/php4apache.dll" was added in the
Apache httpd.conf. That seems surprisingly similar to us. Would it be an
Apache problem? Is there some problem in the way Apache 2 is working with
modules in its Windows release?

Sincerely, Frederick Aubert

> Hello,
> In the  webapp-module-1.0-tc40-windows.zip was a libapr.dll.
> Another note for Windows: copy also the "libapr.dll" file with the module,
> or
> your Apache 1.3 web server will refuse to start reporting that the WebApp
> module cannot be loaded.
> This applies to Windows only.
> Good luck!
> Dennis

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