
There is no such file on Windows. Usually you install Tomcat as service on
NT/W2K. You have to pass all parameters to the TOMCAT.exe file.

Type Tomcat /? and you will get command line help. The whole thing is not so
easy and it took me quite a while to figure it out! So I have written a
small batch file to install the service and one to remove the service. Here
is the code for those who are interested:

---- snip install ---------------
@echo off
cd \Tomcat4.0\bin

tomcat.exe -install "Apache Tomcat"
C:\JavaSoft\jdk1.3.1_01\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll -jvm_option -Djava.class.pat
h=D:\Tomcat4.0\bin\bootstrap.jar -jvm_option -Dcatalina.home=d:\tomcat4.0 -j
vm_option -Xms128M -jvm_option -Xmx256M -start
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params start -stop
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params stop -out
d:\tomcat4.0\logs\service.out -err d:\tomcat4.0\logs\service.err

----- snip remove service -----------
@echo off
cd \Tomcat4.0\bin
tomcat -uninstall "Apache Tomcat"

Please note that you have to write tomcat.exe command on ONE SINGLE line!

You can also use regedit.exe and edit the keys
HKEY_LOKAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<Your apache service
name>. Be careful when modifying the registry using regedit. If you do
something wrong it can destroy your system!

Good look!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 9:59 AM
Subject: Where do I edit /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf in Windows 2000?
Want to edit LANG setting

> Hi Folks
> Where is the
> /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf
> file which is found on a Linux tomcat install found in a Windows install.
I want to edit
> the LANG setting
> Cheers
> Tony
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