Thanks for the notes about the JNDI datasource=null problem I've got this working on 
my system, although only with mod_jk and not mod_webapp.

I want to get the pooling going so the paragraph below is helpful. What I;d also like 
to know is where and how you specify the pool parameters, for the Tyrex 
ConnectionPool. I am familiar with JBOSS where you 
can specify parameters regarding the pool (eg max no. of connections, how long to keep 
open, etc). Is the same possible with Tyrex and Tomcat ?

Or does anyone have sample config about how to do this with 
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource ?



>Then I started getting connections, and threw a small party to celebrate.
>They weren't pooling properly, and I found some notes on the net about
>that as well.  Instead of getting a datasource from the contect:
>       DataSource ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup("jdbc/datafoo");
>       Connection c = ds.getConnection();
>To get a connection from a pool with Tyrex, one does this:
>       ConnectionPoolDataSource pds = 
>       PooledConnection ds = pds.getPooledConnection();
>       Connection c = ds.getConnection();
>Hopefully my experiences here will be of help to others by way of
>searching the list :)
>   Nick
>"The aptly-named morons.org is an obscenity-laced screed..."
>       -- Robert P. Lockwood, Catholic League director of research
>Nick Johnson, version 2.0                     http://www.spatula.net/
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