On Thu, 2 May 2002, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> AIUI, mod_webapp has been easier to configure; mod_jk offers load balancing,

The configuration is the same, for the 'basic' things:
 WebAppDeploy examples /examples

is arguably as easy as:
 JkMount /examples/* tomcat

And has the same effect (i.e. current webapp behavior ).

What is complex is advanced configuration - lb, letting apache handle 
static resources, etc. 

> This really is a huge difference, if I understand the implications (without
> reading through the code).  For example, mod_jk won't know that we want
> Tomcat to process a filter chain against a directory unless we've done a
> JkMount for that tree, whereas it would know that Tomcat needs to process a
> JSP page.  On the other hand, mod_webapp would know about the filter chain
> because the resources would have been deployed as part of a web app.

mod_webapp will know that because it forwards all requests. Same is 
trivial with mod_jk, however jk does give you the option to fine tune
what resources are forwarded ( and maybe use apache where an equivalent
functionality exists ).

One of the goals of mod_jk2 is to go further and be able to operate with
only 'standard' apache directives and configuration ( i.e. <Location> and 
SetHandler ). That'll be much faster and easier to integrate - but even
more verbose. However that's just one option, for advanced use.


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