Hmm... you should have the following as the base minimum for any your case, the ROOT context:

<IfModule mod_jk.c>
JkWorkersFile "/usr/local/tomcat/conf/jk/"
JkLogFile "/var/log/tomcat/jk.log"

JkLogLevel emerg

# Static files
Alias / "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT"

<Directory "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT">
     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
     DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.html index.htm

# Deny direct access to WEB-INF and META-INF
<Location "/WEB-INF/*">
     AllowOverride None
     deny from all

<Location "/META-INF/*">
     AllowOverride None
     deny from all

JkMount /servlet  ajp13
JkMount /servlet/*  ajp13
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

That should work fine.


At 11:36 AM 5/15/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>Ok... some more information...
>JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13
>It turns out, that this line breaks apache! Warning warning warning don't
>use it! I just spent 5 hours recompiling apache, checking httpd.conf etc et
>al to discover after a few hours sleep and a coffee that it's actually this
>line in mod_jk.conf that's breaking my websites right now and not apache
>being weird.
>Now, to clarify a bit:
>- I used to run tomcat 3.2.2, with the mod_jk that was released with it, and
>the following line successfully mapped servlets to an ajp13 worker:
>         JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
>- I now run tomcat 3.3.1, with the new mod_jk, and that line does not
>successfully map servlets to an ajp13 worker. It fails, saying
>"map_uri_to_worker, done without a match"
>- the equivalent line for JSPs works fine for old tomcat & new tomcat - no
>problems there.
>- I tried adding /*/servlet/* ajp13 as a workaround - maybe the uri match
>was failing because of the leading "webappname" i.e. the uri would look
>like: "/testapp/servlet/index" . Initially, I had success - it was
>successfully mapped to an ajp13 worker. However, it also mapped *everything*
>else, regardless of how the path looked (html, directories, gifs, jpgs etc
>etc etc) that lived in the normal apache htdocs directories. In other words,
>tomcat had taken over apache! <insert growling tomcat noise here>
>But, this still leaves me with the basic problem, which is that the stock
>standard mod_jk.conf file isn't mapping servlets correctly.
>So, some questions...
>1. Is my mod_jk.conf file correct?
><IfModule mod_jk.c>
>JkWorkersFile /usr/local/tomcat/conf/jk/
>JkLogFile  /var/log/tomcat/jk.log
>JkLogLevel error
>JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
>JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
>2. Is mod_jk behaving correctly?
>3. If mod_jk isn't behaving correctly, how do I fix it / or get more
>information from it?
>|-----Original Message-----
>|From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>|Sent: Wednesday, 15 May 2002 00:24
>|To: 'Tomcat Users List'
>|Subject: RE: mod_jk not mapping uri successfully for servlets on 3.3.1
>|The jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native sources have small improvements
>|and bug fixes over that found in jakarta-tomcat/src/native.  One of the
>|improvements is support for "JkMount /*/..." that you discovered.
>|> -----Original Message-----
>|> From: Chris Herrmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>|> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 5:21 AM
>|> Subject: RE: mod_jk not mapping uri successfully for
>|servlets on 3.3.1
>|> Hi Larry,
>|> No, I haven't tried:
>|> JkMount /testapp/servlet/* ajp13
>|> doing so now...
>|> I upgraded to the latest as well from
>|> I tried
>|> both with and without eapi support to see if it made a
>|difference (and
>|> rebuilt apache with and without eapi support accordingly.
>|> Currently it's
>|> on).
>|> Ok... so... adding your suggestion above works...
>|> Previously, I haven't had to do this. I also tried adding:
>|> JkMount */servlet/* ajp13
>|> doesn't work but:
>|> JkMount /*/servlet/* ajp13
>|> does work.
>|> Has the way mod_jk parses paths changed in the latest version?
>|> Cheers,
>|> Chris
>|> > Hi Chris,
>|> >
>|> > It is not clear if you tried:
>|> >
>|> >    JkMount /testapp/servlet/* ajp13
>|> >
>|> > I assume you build the from Tomcat 3.3.1's
>|> source.  Using a
>|> > mod_jk from Tomcat 3.2.x has the potential to hang.
>|> >
>|> > Cheers,
>|> > Larry
>|> --
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