Micael Padraig Og mac Grene wrote:
> Some people forget what they did not know at one point.  Please forgive 
> them.  

While this is fair enough, its also fair that there's a level of 
frustration with people who clearly haven't read the docs.
There's a good example in there of how to set up Tomcat and your first 
webapp using ant and giving example code. Why repeat it over and over 
again on this list?
I certainly remember when I first used Tomcat last year. I read install 
guide, got it running, read the docs from there - ALL OF THEM. Funny how 
after that I didn't feel much need to post to the list.

> You may not realize that CATALINA_HOME, etc. are variables 
> covering certain urls.  I remember when I did not as well.

Just to make sure you don't confuse the original poster... what does 
CATALINA_HOME have to do with URLs?

> On the context stuff, the only real way to understand this, because no 
> one will really tell you or give you adequate examples, is to go to the 
> Tomcat code and see how the code is written.  After asking and trying to 
> get help many times, that is what I did.  It takes a bit, but then you 
> have a solid understanding of the Tomcat architecture.

That's a rather inflammatory and incorrect statement. The documentation 
is just fine - and if its not good enough for you, you are welcome to 
amend it. The example I gave above explains all this - going to the code 
isn't going to be very helpful if you aren't even at the level of 
starting the server and deploying a webapp.

Anyway... Mondays suck.


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