--- Frederick Aubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently building a Webapp for a project and I
> came on a couple of
> questions I didn¹t find any answer to. So if one of
> you has time to go
> through them and answer to them I would be thankful.
> Maybe it would be
> better to reply to my personal address directly for
> I guess my questions
> might be somehow unrelated to the main threads in
> this list...
> 1) I am using some static inclusions along the way,
> ie <jsp:include
> page=²...² />, and in the included files I want to
> do some repetitive
> security check and/or connection check. When
> building the included files
> under my Java Development Environement (JBuilder 6),
> I am allowed to use
> session, request, and response object from inside
> the included files.
> Great... But I tried then to call the
> response.sendRedirect() methode, but
> when my Webapp was running the redirection was just
> simply skipped with no
> apparent reason... Any idea? Anything I missed? Or?

I suspect this is because you have already committed a
response from the including page. But wiser heads will
have to confirm or deny.
> 2) Is there a way to use general constant defined
> either in a Java Class or
> in a Java Interface from inside JSP directive tag.
> For example I have a
> constant with the URL of the standard error page. I
> would like to call the
> constant instead of writing explicitly <%@ param
> errorPage=²...² %>. Or I
> would like to use, inside a jsp:include or
> jsp:forward, some parameterNames
> or paramaterValues that are constant. Is it a dream?
> Or is it possible
> somehow?
> 3) Is there a way to force re-initialization of, or
> invalidating, a JavaBean
> that was given the scope = ³session² without
> invalidating the whole session?
> As far as I am understanding, whenever you
> invalidate a session, you loose
> everything done so far, bean variables and
> attributes... Right? Oh and by
> the way are bean variables and attributes stored
> differently or are bean
> variables just another way to use session
> attributes?

You have to write the bean class. You could always set
the bean = null . Attributes don't require you to
write another class, but I still prefer beans.

> Sincerely, Frederick Aubert
>   ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
>    `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)       Frederick
> Aubert
>    (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
>  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'               
> (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'

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