This is exactly what happening to me on my freeBSD machine.


On Thu, 23 May 2002 12:18:50 -0700
"Bo Min Jiang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on an app that uses Apache 1.3.2 + Tomcat 4.0.3 + SSL (through
> OpenSA) on Windows 2000 server.  I've been using the mod_webapp connector,
> but have found  it to be very unstable when serving up my JSPs.  A lot of
> time I get a HTTP 404 or 500 error, and sometimes my page will be displayed.
> Does anyone know what the most recent version of mod_webapp is?  The version
> I have is 1.0, dated October 9, 2001, and I got it off the Tomcat site.  I
> would like to know if there is a more stable release of mod_webapp.
> Thanks,
> Bo

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