
I have asked posted question before but got no responses
so I will try this again:

I have installed Tomcat 4.0.3 on Red Hat Linux 7.3 with
Sun JDK 1.4 and J2EE 1.3.1 and everything runs smoothly
but every time I recompile a servlet placed under the
directory I have to restart the Tomcat server as root
in order for the changes to take effect. I need to
set up Tomcat in such a way that each user can restart
the server since no user is supposed to know the root
passwod. In addition, each user should be able to keep
their own servlets under their ~/public_html directory
since each user can only write under ~ and /tmp. Also,
they should able to have a URL involving ~username
point to their servlets.

All I am asking is, how do I configure Tomcat for use
by multiple nonpriviledged servlet developers on a
multiuser Unix like system?



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