I have experienced a problem with the 'Compression Filter' which is part of
the 'examples'-webapplication of tomcat.

The filter mapping;

      <filter-name>Compression Filter</filter-name>

Is commented out by default, when it is commented out and I invoke a request
for the '/CompressionTest' url-pattern I get the following result;

gzip, deflate
gzip supported -- able to compress
Compression Filter Test Servlet

When I activate the filter mapping, I get the following result;

gzip supported -- able to compress
Compression Filter Test Servlet
gzip, defl

Depending on the 'compressionThreshold' I configure, I get different
results. It seems that the filter puts the first number of bytes which go in
to the buffer at the end of the response.

Does anyone know if I'm doing something wrong?

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