Hi, I have a problem using Tomcat 4.0.3.
I started using Tomcat 4.0.3 as a standalone web server on my windows2000
machine, but I'm experiencing an odd problem.
I modified server.xml very little. All I did was (1) to use port 80 instead
of 8080, and (2) to turn on the servlet reloading by including
<DefaultContext reloadable="true"/>. Then I change the content of the
content of ROOT with mine. At first, it worked. I was able to use Tomcat
4.0.3 as a web server as I wanted and I was able to test my servlet code.
So far so good, but all of a sudden, Tomcat 4.0.3 does not work. When I
tried to load my web page, I got the following error message.

"Apach Tomcat/4.0.3-HTTP Status 500 -No Context configured to process this
type Status report
message No Context configured to process this request
description The server encountered an internal error (No Context configured
to process this request) that prevented it from fulfilling this request"

But when I switch the content of ROOT back to its original, bundled with
Tomcat distribution, it started working again.
What did I wrong with it?
It seems like that switching the content of ROOT is not the right way to use
Tomcat as a personal web server. Then what is the right way of doing it?

Thanks in advance and I'm looking forward to some solutions.

Young-Jin Lee

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