Hi all,

thanks for your advices.

Well, I have never worked with encryption.  Well I know what is RSA, but how 
can I implement it? Do I have to install something? What have I to use to 
implement ansd use an RSA alghoritm?



Alle 11:33, venerd́ 7 giugno 2002, Power-Netz \(Schwarz\) ha scritto:
> > This is one way, there are probably others. By using encryption
> > you can make
> > such a transaction secure.
> > If site X is where they buy the thing and site Y is your site:
> >
> > You could get site X to pass two things:
> > - the amount of money the user is to pay in clear text
> > - the amount of money the user is to pay encrypted with the private key
> > of site X as a digest.
> IMHO, the first step of a cracked key. If you send the encrypted message as
> plain text,
> you give anyone who tries to crack that key a major hint.
> @Laura:
> just send the encrypted data, nothing else. Keeps your secret key a secret.
> If anyone
> tries to change the amount of money , the decrypter can tell you that.
> And i suggest to send more encrypted data as you need to send. With this an
> attacker can't guess
> which of the "cracked" decrypted data is correct, which makes it harder to
> a brute force attack
> to get throu, even if the key get cracked by random tries :-)
> M.Schwarz

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